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2022 marks the momentous occasion of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to her people and the Commonwealth. The Queen also holds the title of the Duke of Lancaster, and therefore has a special relationship with Lancashire and the people who live here.
This is the first time in British history that a monarch has marked a platinum jubilee which therefore presents a unique opportunity for Lancashire to commemorate this historical occasion.
Taking inspiration from the Lancashire industrialists and philanthropists of the past, who donated great artworks that have lasted through the ages in galleries like the Harris, Lord Shuttleworth and a collective of local business leaders and cultural professionals have come together to commission a new artwork which will encapsulate this extraordinary moment in our civic history.
Lord Shuttleworth said: “Her Majesty the Queens platinum jubilee is a unique historical occasion that allows us as her subjects an opportunity to express our thanks for 70 years of continuous service to the nation. Not only has it provided great constitutional stability but also defined our nation to the world. The commissioning of this great artwork will give the people of Lancashire a legacy to celebrate this major event.”
The Commission winner
Following an open call, Jamie Holman, an artist born and practicing in Lancashire, has been selected to create the artwork. Jamie has recognised the significant change that has occurred throughout the Queen’s reign but that the constant throughout this period has been the service of the monarch, a monarch who has sat with every Prime Minister from Churchill to Johnson and has devoted her life to the nation.
Jamie will record 70 people, all of whom are aged 70 and have been alive as long as the Queen has been on the throne. By recording their memories of both the large, and small memories of their lives, he will produce a beautiful, poetic multi-channel soundscape installation that tells the story of the Queen’s reign, our diverse Lancastrian communities and the extraordinary individuals who best remember her lifetime of service.
He will thread their stories, as told by them, with archival footage to create a narrative that will accompany seven large tapestries, each depicting 10 years of the monarch’s service to her people. These works will form a contemporary visualisation of these collated interviews, as he ‘weaves people’s stories’ with a nod towards the Lancashire textile heritage and the global traditions of commemorating our past in textile from the Bayeux Tapestry to The Devonshire Hunting Tapestries.
These ‘Lancashire Jubilee tapestries’ will be exhibited in Lancashire for all to enjoy.
A second and exclusive set of tapestries will be manufactured and one tapestry will be given to the first seven Platinum Sponsors as a unique indication of thanks and appreciation for their major sponsorship.
We would like to invite you to be part of this historic event by attending a presentation to be given by the artist Jamie Holman, on Friday 18th February at Stanley House Hotel in Blackburn BB2 7NP. The event will commence at 8:30am with coffee and pastries, with the formal presentation starting at 9:00am.
Sponsorship Opportunities are as follows:
Companies or individuals wishing to sponsor Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee Art Commission for Lancashire can make donations only via the official JustGiving App
All major Platinum, Diamond and Gold sponsors will receive extensive recognition during the year through the Lieutenancy’s social media platforms, press releases and website. And mention on a plaque when the piece is exhibited. A formal Certificate of Appreciation will be issued for all main categorised sponsors.
£10,000 Main Jubilee Platinum Sponsor. The first seven will also receive one of only two of the 7 tapestries*
£6,000 Diamond Sponsor
£2,000 Gold Sponsor
All other donations are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged.
*please contact Tony Attard or Dennis Mendoros for details and conditions
We hope that you can make it.
In order to confirm numbers to Stanley House please RSVP by Friday 11th February to keely.briercliffe@panaz.co.uk
If you cannot make it but would like further information or additional details, please contact:
Tony Attard OBE DL tony.attard@panaz.co.uk
Dennis Mendoros OBE DL dennis@mendoltd.co.uk

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