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Chamber to Chamber: Liverpool and Sefton
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We welcome you to a an evening of networking that spans across the North of England as we join with Liverpool & Sefton Chamber of Commerce for a night of networking at the lovely Ramada Plaza Southport!
Networking still remains the most viable and cost-effective method of promoting your organisation and now the NWL Chamber of Commerce provides a free opportunity for members with this “TWO in ONE” networking event to connect with multi-national corporations to sole traders across all sectors: manufacturing, services, telecom, health care, and everything in-between!
We are delighted to partner with Liverpool Sefton Chamber, Moore and Smalley, and the Ramada Plaza Southport for this Chamber to Chamber event. It will allow our collective members to meet in beautiful surroundings, increase their contacts and strengthen those relationships that enable business growth across Lancashire and into Liverpool, Sefton, and Southport!
Moore and Smalley is generously providing a free presentation for all delegates whereby they will discuss the new digital tax laws coming for SMEs in 2018, all landlords, sole traders and partnerships must start keeping digital records of their income and expenses and these records will then need to be submitted to HMRC on a quarterly basis. Gone will be the days of simply reporting your income and expenses on your annual tax return. In fact the tax return itself is to be abolished.
The key will be to start preparing for the changes as soon as possible so when MTD becomes mandatory we are well equipped to handle them, and Moore and Smalley will provide us with the expertise to walk us through the new process.
Chamber to Chamber Networking is always a highlight in the networking calendar and we are delighted to invite our 1500 members to gather with the hundreds of businesses that are a part of Liverpool and Sefton Chamber of Commerce for this joint networking event at The Ramada Plaza Southport. This is truly TWO networking events in ONE!
Sponsor a giveaway prize of your product or service and receive an opportunity to present your company to delegates across Northern England! We will have drawings for prizes and the opportunity to give an “elevator” pitch for your goods and services to a room of delegates
Members: FREE
Affiliate Members: Members Only Event
Non-Members: Members Only Event
Contact: 01772 653000 or via email chamberevents@lancschamber.co.uk to reserve your place at the two-in-one network event!
Moore and Smalley provides businesses with the expertise to navigate the new Digital Tax Law rolling out in 2018 and will provide a free presentation on strategies to prepare beforehand.
Ramada Plaza Southport
Promenade Southport
Southport, PR9 0DZ
TWO Networks of businesses in ONE event! Come out and connect with hundreds of great businesses from NWL Chamber of Commerce and Liverpool Sefton Chamber of Commerce to strengthen your business contact list in the beautiful Ramada Plaza Hotel Southport.Join us at the beautiful Ramada Plaza Southport for a brilliant night of networking!